The Customer Is Never Right
Meet your Hospital Rating System in Galacticare. The Hospital Rating system is your route to learn about the many, many things you might be doing wrong well. It’ll drill down into various areas of your hospital, your finances, and the wellbeing of your staff and patients. Some of these

Condition Research Journals - Angercite
First Diagnosis: Dr. Diao Gnosis discovers Angercite Research Level 1: Consultant, Dr. Ohdious, has a crack at "treating" the ailment Research Level 2: Research case has been transferred to Dr. Twiggy Pop Research Level 3: Angercite seems to be making the rounds with all the Consultants, Dr. Ultra

Surgery in the club - Welcome to Laser Surgery
Welcome back to Galacticare Wednesday! This week we’re covering another treatment room, this time it’s Laser Surgery. This one is a personal favourite of mine for multiple reasons, one of them being that the room basically turns into a nightclub during surgery. The sound design team at Zimmer

Condition Research Journals - Festicrosis
First Diagnosis: Dr. Hip Jalmert and Dr. Dute Schwide have been assigned to the Festicrosis case. They don't often get along so we'll see how well this goes. Research Level 1: Dr. Dute Schwide reports his reasoning behind stripping down to his underwear in the hospital

Devlog #2 - Making the ultimate upgrades and rewards system
Welcome to the first Galacticare Wednesday post of 2024! We're super excited to bring you all sorts of new content and show off what we've got planned for this year. It's feeling like a big one! For this Galacticare Wednesday we uploaded our second

Condition Research Journals - Shattered Arm
First Diagnosis: Please don't call it a broken bone Research Level 1: Dr. Barkley Bonetimes begins experimenting with the Boning Chamber Research Level 2: Dr. Bonetimes remembers to provide anaesthetic for patients undergoing treatment Research Level 3: Running into a few bumps with the Boning Chamber, would suggest

Happy Holidays from Galacticare - 2023 Recap
From all of us at Brightrock and CULT Games, we wish you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful new year. As we approach 2024 we've taken a look at what we got up to this past year and how we have worked towards getting where we are

Condition Research Journals - Hyperfreeze
First Diagnosis: Is it just me or is it a bit chilly in here? Research Level 1: Dr. Ariel Stein discusses the need for her partnership with a celebrity on the research case Research Level 2: Mr. Badlands talks to Dr. Stein about his adventures under freezing temperatures Research Level