Condition Research Journals - Exofracture

First Diagnosis: I do love when a consultant takes the case Research Level 1: I can understand roughly 40% of what Dr. Earl Prince, Esq. is saying Research Level 2: Xil doctors certainly have interesting habits Research Level 3: RECORDED DISCUSSION BETWEEN HEAL AND KORA Research Level 4: ??? Research Level

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Heavy Artillery Medicine

Welcome back to Galacticare Wednesday This week it’s all about a completely, most definitely, non-threatening treatment room. Projectile Medicine is a contraption that looks similar to a giant rocket launcher, it fires similar to one too. Using Projectile Medicine, a qualified doctor would reload the device using the right

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Condition Research Journals - Miasthma

First Diagnosis: Patient was in the diagnosis room for exactly 6 seconds before being moved along Research Level 1: I love it when we get to use the Xen garden, so pretty Research Level 2: Dr. Stilgram may be crossing a line here Research Level 3: I suppose it's only

Brightrock Games

Lounging Around

Welcome back to Galacticare Wednesday This week we're taking a look at a couple rooms that are specifically made for lounging around. There are 2 rooms we'll be covering, one for staff and one for patients. Firstly, the staff lounge serves as... a lounge area for staff. When your doctors

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Condition Research Journals - Twisted Tail

First Diagnosis: Ouf this looks uncomfortable Research Level 1: Dr. Twiggy Pop is on it, she's such an icon Research Level 2: I'm surprised the Tenki are even allowed in the Boning Chamber, you'd think it'd have a height restriction on it Research Level 3: Please don't let Dr. Twiggy

Brightrock Games

The Dreamarium

Welcome back to Galacticare Wednesday This week we wanted to officially introduce the Dreamarium, a treatment designed to rearrange what goes on inside a patients head. This quick introduction video will let you in on the basics of how this treatment works: Description The Dreamarium creature stays idle on it's

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Condition Research Journals - T-Rash

First Diagnosis: I hope I don't get any complaints for holding my nose while treating patients, there's no other way to cope Research Level 1: They've really been piling it onto the new doc recently Research Level 2: Doubling up on gloves isn't enough, I'd like to put in a

Brightrock Games

Quick Development Update

Welcome back to Galacticare Wednesday We've been getting a lot of questions about a release date and while there isn't currently an official date set, we wanted to give you an idea of where we're at now. So here's a quick list of a few things that we've been focusing

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