Condition Research Journals - Angercite

Brightrock Games

First Diagnosis: Dr. Diao Gnosis discovers Angercite

Research Level 1: Consultant, Dr. Ohdious, has a crack at "treating" the ailment

Research Level 2: Research case has been transferred to Dr. Twiggy Pop

Research Level 3: Angercite seems to be making the rounds with all the Consultants, Dr. Ultra takes her turn next

Research Level 4: No success with the other consultants, Our Hopes has a go at treating from a different angle

Research Level 5: Brother Gumbo's wisdom pulls through on treating Angercite. I've never worked with this many Consultants on a single case

That concludes this week's Condition Research Journals on Angercite. See you next week for another condition. Follow our Twitter and Discord to see these posted daily!

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