Galacticare Wednesday - Colossals
Welcome to this week’s Galacticare Wednesday! This week’s topic is one that hasn’t really been showcased publicly, so consider this Wednesday to be the premiere reveal party for the Colossals. Some xenobiologists argue that “Colossal” should be a term used for all the galaxy’s hyperfauna but,

Condition Research Journals - Galaxy Brain
Condition Research Journal - First Diagnosis: Patient arrives with bright sparkling brain poking out from head Condition Research Journal - Research Level 1: Patient is treated by Dr. Zip Smallgroove using a combination of Nanoscopy and Cerebral Rehab Condition Research Journal - Research Level 2: Dr. Smallgroove discovers the leading

Galacticare Wednesday
Welcome to Galacticare Wednesday. We’re introducing a weekly update on some of our favourite features from Galacticare. Every Wednesday we’ll be showing off background information on all sorts of things you’ll find in the game, including: * Alien Species * Treatment Rooms * Development Blogs * Music * Videos, Gifs, Screenshots If

Condition Research Journals - Bowel Borer
Condition Research Journal - First Diagnosis: Toothy specimen nested in bowel Condition Research Journal - Research Level 1: Dr. Ohdious takes the lead on parasite dissection Condition Research Journal - Research Level 2: Dr. Dang Batkins reports on working conditions after teaming up with Dr. Ohdious Condition Research Journal -

As you progress through Galacticare’s riveting campaign you’ll raise a crew of unique, hero-like doctors - these are your consultants. Once a consultant has joined you they’re in for the long haul, and you’re able to bring them into any of your hospitals - even previously