Galacticare Wednesday
Welcome to Galacticare Wednesday.
We’re introducing a weekly update on some of our favourite features from Galacticare. Every Wednesday we’ll be showing off background information on all sorts of things you’ll find in the game, including:
- Alien Species
- Treatment Rooms
- Development Blogs
- Music
- Videos, Gifs, Screenshots
If you’re following us on Twitter or Discord you might’ve already seen some posts regarding a particularly gnarly condition. These are our Condition Research Logs, and they’ll continue on a daily basis with graphic images and juicy details about the condition we’re looking at each week. Every Thursday we’ll begin looking at a new, horrifying affliction, with a research entry being posted every day in our Discord and on Twitter until the condition has been fully explored.
This past week we took a peek into the Bowel Borer, and starting tomorrow we’ll have your head in the stars.

Following on from a week of parasites, this Galacticare Wednesday we'll be exploring Parasitology and its many quirks.
The Parasitology Station is made of several component parts:
- The Doctorpus, a bio-mechanical robot responsible for delicately extracting parasites from unfortunate patients
- A bed, which holds the patient still during treatment
- 3-6 parasite pods built into the ground for storing parasites
Whilst the doctor controls the terminal and the patient is restrained on the treatment pad, the Doctorpus crawls out from the tank opening and positions itself to begin a violent treatment sequence which may involve multiple injections or laser removal of the parasite, then finishing off the treatment by throwing the parasite into the tank. Once the process is complete, the Doctorpus crawls back into the tank to power off, the doctor beams with pride at their successful treatment, and the patient is scarred for life... but at least they are free of unwelcome guests.

The remote controlled Doctorpus has been developed to safely handle and extract dangerous parasites. Once extracted, the parasites are kept in storage and looked after by the Doctorpus. Eventually they are able to aid with future treatments, getting to feast on the juicy innards of your patients… and perhaps even serve as the solution to a few giant conundrums.

Though semi-mechanical, the organic components of the Doctorpus are grown in a lab, and the robot is not sentient - it's a tool, not an enslaved creature. The organic portions allow it to better work with many parasites that it encounters.
That’s all for this week's Galacticare Wednesday!
We hope you enjoyed this exploration of parasites and their treatment protocols, as well as what that looks like in Galacticare - From the style and decoration of the treatment rooms to the story behind the Doctorpus and the parasite tank.
We’ll be publishing a new deep-dive post once a month, and more content weekly (Including daily Condition Research Logs) across our TikTok, Twitter, and Discord.
Have a wonderful and parasite-free rest of the week. See you next Wednesday!
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