Josh Bishop

Taking control with Craftech

Welcome to another Galacticare Wednesday! Introducing Craftech. Craftech arose from our desire to take a leaf out of the god game design book and give players much more direct power and control than you might traditionally find in a management game. As this notion is something fairly alien (heh) to

Josh Bishop

Condition Research Journals - Glub Bite

Condition Research Journal - First Diagnosis: A fun new parasite enters the room! Condition Research Journal - Research Level 1: We've encountered a few *harmless* issues with the Glub Bite extraction Condition Research Journal - Research Level 2: Dr. Barb Bigbeans reports difficulty with other members of staff being distracted

Josh Bishop

Galacticare News: Dr. Ohdious at large!

Welcome to this week's Galacticare Wednesday! For this week's content, delve into the latest breaking news story on Galacticare News. Apparently, a slightly deranged scientist named Dr. Ohdious has been arrested for constantly cloning himself, and has been sentenced to prison in a wild court case. Find out more about

Josh Bishop

Condition Research Journals - Star Warts

Condition Research Journal - First Diagnosis: Dr. Daio Gnosis receives a patient with mysterious bright pustules Condition Research Journal - Research Level 1: Dr. Juicy Topclaps has been appointed as lead on the Star Warts case, much to his disappointment Condition Research Journal - Research Level 2: Dr. Juicy Topclaps

Josh Bishop

Meet your team of super doctors - Consultants

Welcome to this week's Galacticare Wednesday! This week, explore the wonders that are our Consultants! In Galacticare, they bring a revolutionising change to the hospital management sim genre, affecting your decision-making in game, as well as the connective tissue throughout the campaign. Delve into who they are, where they came

Josh Bishop

Condition Research Journals - Static Charge

Condition Research Journal - First Diagnosis: Dr. Daio Gnosis moves patient to Projectile Medicine after loss of feeling in right arm and hair standing on end Condition Research Journal - Research Level 1: Research contractor, Dr. Bob Grobbler has been assigned to the case Condition Research Journal - Research Level

Josh Bishop

Galacticare Wednesday - New Music

Welcome to this week's Galacticare Wednesday! For this week, musically immerse yourself into the Galacticare universe; we've released two new tracks from the Galacticare OST, 'Neuro Nebular' and 'Intercellular'! Our full soundtrack is brought to you by Epic Mountain, whose celestial work on Kurzgesagt you might be familiar with. After

Josh Bishop

Condition Research Journals - Cranial Leech

Condition Research Journal - First Diagnosis: Dr. Daio Gnosis is not impressed by the gross parasite Condition Research Journal - Research Level 1: Dr Yams DeNutte drowns the ballooned parasite after extracting from patient's skull Condition Research Journal - Research Level 2: Parasite reported as useless, anonymous physician volunteers to

Josh Bishop

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