Harvesting parasites in Big Farma - Level 4 Show Off
Welcome back to Galacticare Wednesday! This week we’ll be showing off a completed campaign level, mainly focusing on what a hospital would look like in Level 4 of Galacticare - Big Farma. From the name of the level you might’ve already guessed it’s about a farm, so

Condition Research Journals - Ultraburn
First Diagnosis: This one is already a mystery, space magic could be valid Research Level 1: Dr. Louis Barbiglian takes over on the research case Research Level 2: Dr. Barbiglian had a casual conversation with a flaming Kouber to find the clue linking them together Research Level 3: Dr. Barbiglian&

Welcome to the Diagnosis Room
Welcome back to Galacticare Wednesday! This week we’re bringing you everything you need to know about the very first step in your patient's treatment process, the diagnosis room. This lovely and inviting room is one you'll be building loads of so we might as well

Condition Research Journals - Space Invasion
Condition Research Journal - First Diagnosis: This one is actually quite pretty if I do say so myself Condition Research Journal - Research Level 1: Dr. Bilbo Tingle takes over research after diagnosis to find out what's causing the condition Condition Research Journal - Research Level 2: Dr.

Lasers, Glass Bottles & Squidge
Welcome back to Galacticare Wednesday! This week, we asked our friends over at Zimmer Audio to give us some insight into the magic behind Galacticare's sound design. A game with so many moving parts like Galacticare meant the sound effects were something that really had to be hand

Condition Research Journals - Unidentified Internal Object
Condition Research Journal - Security brings patient to Dr. Daio Gnosis after noticing suspicious bulge. Condition Research Journal - Patient is handed off to Dr. Ultra, who has since criticized the physicians on the case before her. Condition Research Journal - Dr. Ultra puts Xtray Ray to use in UIO