Galacticare News: Dr. Ohdious at large!
Welcome to this week's Galacticare Wednesday!
For this week's content, delve into the latest breaking news story on Galacticare News. Apparently, a slightly deranged scientist named Dr. Ohdious has been arrested for constantly cloning himself, and has been sentenced to prison in a wild court case. Find out more about the criminal and his heinous actions through the video below!
Additionally, we've updated our Condition Research Journals with a new severe condition called Star Warts. Tomorrow, research will resume with another condition that has a little bite in it.
Thank you for tuning in to another edition of Galacticare Wednesday!
We hope you enjoyed diving into the lore behind Dr. Ohdious' character and finding out what makes him so endearingly unhinged.
Don’t forget we publish a new deep-dive blog post once a month, and more weekly explorations (including daily Condition Research Journals) across our TikTok, Twitter, and Discord.
Have a great rest of your week, and see you next week for another Galacticare Wednesday update!
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