Condition Research Journals - Static Charge
Condition Research Journal - First Diagnosis: Dr. Daio Gnosis moves patient to Projectile Medicine after loss of feeling in right arm and hair standing on end

Condition Research Journal - Research Level 1: Research contractor, Dr. Bob Grobbler has been assigned to the case

Condition Research Journal - Research Level 2: Extra funds have been allocated towards Dr. Grobbler's research

Condition Research Journal - Research Level 3: More funds have been allocated towards Static Charge research, Galacticare is looking for investors to cover the costs

Condition Research Journal - Research Level 4: More funds allocated towards Static Charge research, Galacticare is nearing bankruptcy

Condition Research Journal - Research Level 5: Director, we're bankrupt.

That concludes this week's Condition Research Journals on Static Charge. This week, the next condition we'll explore will turn your insides out. Follow our Twitter and Discord to see these posted daily!
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