Condition Research Journals - Space Invasion
Condition Research Journal - First Diagnosis: This one is actually quite pretty if I do say so myself

Condition Research Journal - Research Level 1: Dr. Bilbo Tingle takes over research after diagnosis to find out what's causing the condition

Condition Research Journal - Research Level 2: Dr. Tingle is having trouble with the rest of the research team taste testing chemicals

Condition Research Journal - Research Level 3: Dr. Bilbo Tingle is beginning to see a pattern

Condition Research Journal - Research Level 4: The surveyors came back with more than just information, luckily Dr. Tingle believes the Skin Lab reagents may work (somehow)

Condition Research Journal - Research Level 5: HEAL gives us the final report on Space Invasion research, Mr. Tingle has 'decided' to try out a new profession

That concludes this week's Condition Research Journals on Space Invasion. See you next week for another condition. Follow our Twitter and Discord to see these posted daily!
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