Condition Research Journals - Unidentified Internal Object
Condition Research Journal - Security brings patient to Dr. Daio Gnosis after noticing suspicious bulge.

Condition Research Journal - Patient is handed off to Dr. Ultra, who has since criticized the physicians on the case before her.

Condition Research Journal - Dr. Ultra puts Xtray Ray to use in UIO research.

Condition Research Journal - Dr. Ultra is saying things that quite frankly I don't even understand. There's a reason she doesn't allow trainees to log her research.

Condition Research Journal - Dr. Ultra finds no success, patient still inexplicably sucking in objects. She has tendered her resignation and I am sad.

Condition Research Journal - Dr. Ultra is here to stay and has successfully found the root cause of UIO, a pathogen going against all sorts of scientific laws.

That concludes this week's Condition Research Journals on Unidentified Internal Object. Stay tuned to see the next condition starting from tomorrow. Follow our Twitter and Discord to see these posted daily!
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