Condition Research Journals - Festicrosis
First Diagnosis: Dr. Hip Jalmert and Dr. Dute Schwide have been assigned to the Festicrosis case. They don't often get along so we'll see how well this goes.

Research Level 1: Dr. Dute Schwide reports his reasoning behind stripping down to his underwear in the hospital lab.

Research Level 2: The research on Festicrosis seems to have taken a turn...

Research Level 3: This is starting to get out of hand

Research Level 4: I think I should really talk to an exec about all this, I was just brought in to take research notes. I don't want to be caught in the crossfire here.

Research Level 5: I am appalled.

That concludes this week's Condition Research Journals on Festicrosis. See you next week for another condition. Follow our Twitter and Discord to see these posted daily!
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